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Showing posts from February, 2021

Read this before buying a "new" FS1-ProHD satellite finder

Note to buyers First Strike Meters stopped production of the FS1-ProHD some years ago. Some sellers on eBay, Alibaba, AliExpress, and other sites claim to be selling new FS1-ProHD meters. This is notice that First Strike Meters warrantee has expired and First Strike Meters will not warrantee any meters going forward. Make sure to ask the seller about warrantee and who will be doing the warrantee work.

FREE Satellite List without signing in

For several years now we have produced and posted our free satellite / transponder list for anyone to download. After being up for a long time, the spammers found it and soon overloaded the server we were using. This caused us to move to another server, not a easy task. It wasn't long before the spammers followed us causing the same problem for us. To avoid the spammers we agreed to put the free list on  Ivy Stone Place which required users to login providing a layer of security and hopefully keeping the spammers out. The list remains free. Now we are once again allowing interested users to download the free list without the need to sign in. IF the spammers don't ruin this we will continue to provide this "no sign-in" download of the list. Want to download our FREE satellite list without signing in? Find the download links here . Feel free to download our list without signing in.

Linux common commands cheat sheet

 Using Linux? Get this "Common Commands" cheat sheet.  This cheat sheet is perfect for new Linux users or those who may have recently switched distributions. It contains a list of Linux commands for routine tasks including file navigation, file management, software installation on the most common distributions, and services.   View/Download it now


  FREE SATELLITE / TRANSPONDER LISTS Free Satellite / Transponder List (February 1st, 2021) NEW Regional Lists We've had some requests for regional lists. These lists are smaller and better for smart phones with little memory available. So here is a test run. You will find them in their repective folders. Region Worldwide America Europe Asia Atlantic Satellites 177.0 - 180.0E 61.0W - 177.0W 1.9E - 177.0W 74.0E - 177.0W 0.8W - 65.0W PDF Size 300.1 kB 120.0 kB 169.2 kB 254.0 kB 118.2 kB EPUB Size 55.8 kB 15.3 kB 26.3 kB 45.3 kB 15.1 kB ...