If you are looking for a simple to learn, simple to use photo editor this may be the one you are looking for.
Photoflare is a cross-platform image editor with an aim to balance between powerful features and a very friendly graphical user interface. It suits a wide variety of different tasks and users who value a more nimble workflow. Features include basic image editing capabilities, paint brushes, image filters, colour adjustments and more advanced features such as Batch image processing.
C++ 17
The latest and greatest C++ standards.
Cross Platform
Can be used on Linux, Windows and Mac.
Superb Performance
Very fast to do everything.
Open Source
Code hosted on our GitHub.
Powerful Features
Plenty of great features built in.
Qt Framework
Powered by the excellent Qt Framework
On going improvements. Latest update to v1.6.5 was in May, 2020.
Photoflare includes cropping, flipping/rotating, resizing image and tools like paint brush, paint bucket, spray can, blur smudge tool and eraser, magic wand tool that lets you select a specific area of the image.
While GIMP is the most popular image editing tool, it has a much steeper learning curve.
If you are looking for a simple, fast, free image editor Photoflare is for you.