Free Satellite / Transponder List Today (Nov. 23, 2019) we released this list early. As you probably know, the last release (October) was not complete. This was due to some of our coding being corrupted. It has taken us over 3 weeks to correct this. We now feel confident that the list is complete. We do still need donations to keep this list going. If this list has some value to you please donate. If you are unable to donate please click the ads you will see on our blog . Clicking the ads doesn't cost you anything but it does help us. It is our hope that we can keep this list going, however without some help with the costs the list will finally come to a end. Thank you in advance. If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Thanks to generous donations our world wide list continues. Thanks to all who have donated. Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list. This is a reference list ( not to be loaded into any meter ), download to...
Providing the best worldwide satellite / transponder list for FREE.