If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Thanks to generous donations our world wide list continues. Thanks to all who have donated. Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list. This is a reference list (not to be loaded into any meter), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you. Sat / TP List Details Satellites: 239 Transponders: 4400 DVB-S2: 2708 DVB-S: 1692 Vertical Polarity: 1752 Horizontal Polarity: 1805 RH Polarity: 416 LH Polarity: 427 Pages: 88 Size: 241.6 kB This list contains: C-band Ku-band Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band. We are providing the list in two locations. If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Download the LIST from BOX Download the LIST from MEGA You really only need 2 transponders per satellite. 1 vertical and 1 horizontal ...
Providing the best worldwide satellite / transponder list for FREE.